Xnews: Fraudulent Cryptocurrency

As per the blog post published on November 13, the malware researcher Lukas Stefanko has discovered four fraudulent crypto wallets on the Google Play store.

  • Xnews: Fraudulent Cryptocurrency
As per the blog post published on November 13, the malware researcher Lukas Stefanko has discovered four fraudulent crypto wallets on theGoogle Play store. These wallets were allegedly trying to steal the personal information of the users.

These fake apps were impersonating as cryptocurrency wallets for NEO, Tether, and an extension for looming Ethereum, Metamask. Supposedly, the wallets are designed to steal the mobile banking credentials of the users along with the credit card information.

According to Stefanko, the wallets were categorized into two groups out of which one of them is a fake Metamask app that was basically a phishing wallet and other three apps were the fake wallets. Whenever the user installs and launches the app, it asks the user for their private key and password of the wallet.

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